Without prayer none of this would be happening. We believe in the power of prayer. Pray that people would hear and believe the Gospel. Pray for our pastors/planters and their families. Pray that God would be glorified in our city. Click below and share your name with us to join us as a prayer partner.
Word of mouth is the best form of advertising, especially for the Gospel. Share the Gospel with your friends. Proclaim the excellencies of Christ. If you, or someone you know, is looking for a church in our area, tell them about us. An easy way to tell your friends is to share our page on Facebook. Click below.
The Christian life is designed to imitate the sacrificial giving of Jesus Christ. There are so many ways to give. You can give your time. You can give your talents. You can give money. You can give other resources. You can give your life. Click below to give financially, and let us know via email if you can give in another way.